
Sunday 27 November 2011

How to Use premium Cookies In Google Chrome Browser

How to Use premium Cookies In Google Chrome Browser
This tutorial will teach you how to use the premium cookies using Google Chrome
First you need to instal Premium Cookie Injector 
1) Go to the file hosting website, click “Edit This Cookie” and then “Add New Cookie”, you’ll
see this box

2) Click "Add a new cookie" then you will go into something like this:

3) Then follow my next step in the picture below.

4) Then Click "Submit Cookie Changes" And Refresh!

If you look into the account status as free ...means that cookie is no longer premium,Except its only a free account

Diffrenet FileHosts Details

Name  : auth
Value : (Your Cookie)


Value : (Your Cookie)

Name  : cookie

Value : (Your Cookie)

Name  : enc

Value : (Your Cookie)

Name  : user

Value : (Your Cookie)
Value : (Your Cookie)


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